I Want to be an Architect

28 06 2012

   Three Blind Mice . . . Three Jolly Fishermen . . . The Trinity. . . Three Billy Goats Gruff . . . Three tunnels from “The Great Escape” Tom, Dick, and Harry and 3 sides to every story.       


This is the story of 3 men born around the same time period (early 1950’s) who had a desire to be an architect when they were in their teens. This is the story of their journeys and where they are today.

This is also a story about following your dreams no matter what happens in life. It’s not only about inspiration but perspiration and taking risks. What are you willing to risk, what are you willing to give up – and most of all – are you really passionate about what you want to do.
As the men shall remain anonymous, I will use the names of the three tunnels from the movie “The Great Escape” – Tom, Dick and Harry.

Tom’s story. He grew up in Scarborough, Ontario in an average family – Mom, Dad, two sisters and a dog. He had average grades in high school and his mom and dad loved and supported him as best they could in the 60’s. In high school he began his dream of becoming an architect. His doodles were of buildings to the sky, ranch houses and museums and futuristic dwellings. Then something happened – life got in the way and he didn’t pursue his dream of becoming an architect. The question I’m asking you – the reader is . . . why didn’t he pursue his dream? Financial considerations, little support or encouragement or was being the life of the party more enticing and exciting.

Life gets in the way for many of us. We just need to decide if we will let life get in the way or not. We need to look around at our support system. Did Tom’s support system propel him forward? Encourage him? Did they try and he turned a deaf ear because life was in the fast lane. We’ll never know. Tom declined comment.

Yes, life got in the way for Tom. There were parties, and women and drugs. Being a dealer was great. Money, glamour, respect and a fun filled party life. Yes, one party after another. After a few close calls, life began to settle down. Tom travelled for a while and then found a good steady job at the airport and the passes afforded him to continue to travel and enjoy life. He still doodled buildings once in a while.

In 1985 Tom began a fence and deck company. He’s beginning to follow his dream of becoming an architect. He’s designed a few gazeboes and overhead trellises and yes – decks: wrap around, two- story, multi-level to name a few. He’s going for it, then life gets in the way again. The extra money allows him to live a better life. To travel and have parties. Tom is now retired and works part time and plays golf. Will he ever pursue his dream? Is there someone who will encourage him to pursue his dream. Is it too late? No. . . only if you think so. Only if you’re not willing to take a risk.

Dick is a great guy. Everyone loves him. He’s happy go lucky and does great things for everyone in his life. He grew up and attended high school in Mississauga, Ontario. His parents were good parents and they did the best they could. Money was tight and his dream of being an architect in high school slipped through his fingers. He attended university for one year studying Human Relations and Psychology. He attended other schools and took other courses, but his heart was usually on being an architect. He travelled extensively throughout BC making many friends and working in various professions. At one point his dream of becoming an architect was being brought out. He had to renovate a home. Isn’t that architectural? Gutted it from the inside out. He has and still does love all the areas of his life that he lived. Somehow he was unable to continue on towards his dream of being an architect. Was it a lack of motivation, lack or encouragement, lack of funds, we’ll never know unless Dick open his heart to us.

Dick is an architect in another way. When the web was growing by leaps and bound and web sites were being built and added onto the Internet, Dick jumped in with both feet and learned and absorbed and studied as much as he could the ins and outs of building a website. He has created and built hundreds of websites for acquaintances, friends, small businesses and organizations over the last 20 years. Is Dick an architect? Yes he is an architect of web sites. His knowledge and competency and desire to learn the computer language has allowed him to build a vast empire of websites for people all over the world. Is Dick a success? You judge. He definitely loves what he does. He can spend hours in front of the computer tapping and zapping and moving and arranging and being intense and enthusiastic in what he is designing. Dick is there to help anyone and at anytime, whether for a large corporation or a small one-man operation or a friend. Has he full filled his dream of becoming an architect?

From a place of war to a place of peace – Harry is truly a representative of this tunnel.

Lastly there is Harry. Harry grew up in a warm and loving home. He had parents that supported him and encouraged him and then life got in the way for Harry. The life that got in the way was war. Ugly war. Horrible war. In 1968 his parents, and brother and he did not return from their vacation, instead they travelled. Travelled with what they had with them. First to Austria, then Switzerland and finally arrived in Toronto in mid-September – the first Czech refugee family of that conflict. A place of freedom. A place where you did not have to look over your shoulders.

Harry decided when he was around 15 years old that he wanted to be an architect. He applied himself in high school, got a part time job to help pay for other costs other than tuition. Bought a second hand car and fixed it himself. His parents supported and encouraged him in his dream and saved what they could to cover the costs of tuition. He attended college and a polytechnic school. He challenged himself, worked hard and played hard though never losing sight of what he wanted in life . . . to be an architect. He continued to learn. At 40, he was accepted into the Rhode Island School of Design and graduated with honours. Harry continues his work – or shall I say his passion. He loves what he does. And in the world of work, we must have passion and love what you do. My questions – is Harry just as passionate and loving in all his significant relationships?

I have left out a lot of details from their stories – details that would bore you – bore them. I continue to challenge them about their passion. Do these three men inspire you? How do they inspire you. It takes perspiration and not just inspiration. As it is written by Jesse Jackson, “Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change.”

A final question to you. Are you a Tom, Dick or Harry? Are you inspired? Will you perspire to aspire to go after your dreams no matter what life may put in your path? The choice is your – what will you choose? This is three sides to a common desire – I want to be a architect.