What are the 4 T’s? Living life to the fullest!

8 07 2015
4 T's is part of life's puzzle

4 T’s is part of life’s puzzle

Temperament, Time, Trust, Talent . . . Why are they important in our life?   Who do they apply to?  What do I need them for?  When will I use them?  How will they help me find balance? Where do I begin?  All good questions and each will be addressed here, in further posts and at the retreat.

You may be thinking – why go on a retreat to find this out?  I can do it on my own.  Can You? The dictionary defines a retreat as the “process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult …”  In our modern culture we are running here and there and our minds are full of clatter and clutter.  We need to step away, withdraw, retreat from the anxieties of daily life. Focus on ourselves and where we are heading.

The 4 T’s Retreat will allow you to do that.  Withdraw from the difficulties that may be nagging you.  Step into a classroom of silence to meditate, learn, and share with others. Retreat to the St. Francis Retreat Centre in Caledon to renew and refresh yourself.  Pray. Listen.  Learn.  Share.


Carefree Timelessness

This retreat is going to be LIFE CHANGING!  It’s going to be BOLD, AUTHENTIC and will have you SOUL SEARCHING for your PASSION and PURPOSE in life once you understand more fully who you are.  Why is trust a must?  Why meditation and carefree timelessness are important.  How our talents are the keys to understanding what God created us to be.

The first T – temperament.  You may have heard of it.  Where does it come from and just how far back in time does it go? Back to the time of Hippocrates.  He named the temperaments after body fluids: Phlegm, Black Bile, Yellow Bile, and Blood. His theory, when a person has an excess of one of these body fluids, it governed their temperament.  In modern times, our temperament is formed in the mother’s womb.  Why?  Ninety percent of who we are is formed in the womb.  There have been many theorists between these two points and each approach temperament in the same, yet different, way.  They all, however, agree temperament is part of who we are and what our core needs are.

Understanding our temperament is core to understanding others.  This is why we may not see eye to eye with others in some areas of our lives.  They’re NOT out to get us! ! ! They just think, act and do differently than us.

organized goldauthentic blueresourceful orangeinquiring green





How does our temperament overlay with Matthew Kelly’s book, “The Seven Levels of Intimacy”?

Intrigued?  Stay tuned for further overlays.
Also coming up:  TIME.  You are given $1,440 every day.  How do you spend it?

Life . . . . Life is about . . . .

10 07 2012

Life is about love, life is about relationships and you need to live as though you were dying. Exactly how do you take these 3 compact statements and make them alive whether at work with managers or coworkers, in school with teachers and classmates, or in a personal relationship with a significant other, your children, and your friends.

Life. . . life is about love. First you must love yourself deeply and truly. Do you love yourself deeply and truly? What does it mean to love yourself deeply and truly? It means to be vigilant about knowing who you are in any given situation. It is your developed self – the person you continually strive to be – the person who is not afraid to reach out for help and give the best of what you have to everyone in life. When you grow in love of self, you grow in strength – for you know strength shows courage in the midst of fear. You know you have to keep your body and your soul in shape. You know that life’s mistakes are blessings in disguise and you need to capitalize on them. You know you need a faith lift when you fall and wear grace in the face of adversity and understand in the journey of faith, hope and love, you will be given strength in your weaknesses.

Life . . . life is about relationships. Look in the mirror and say, Jane believes in me. She supports me in my hopes and dreams and all the positive things I do in life and lets me know when she doesn’t support me. You see, Jane has integrity, morals and values. She understands herself and is grounded. Once she understands your temperament – she

Life is about love, acceptance and relationships. We choose to love!

knows how to adapt to your life styles and way of life. Yes, she accepts people and treats them according to their core need (their temperament) while not losing sight of who she is. Is it a struggle for her? Yes it is – but she believes what she believes and continually instills integrity, values and morals into the people she meets and upon herself. . she was 21, 30, 38, 42, and 55 once . . . yes, she was there. How can she condemn someone who is doing what she did? She embraces the person and tells a story, a story about a time she messed up, how she made the wrong choices. Does it make me change? Perhaps not, but it plants seeds of wisdom in me. My hat is off to Jane.

How do you live like you were dying? How do you work your job and be passionate in every other aspect of your life? You know the work/life balance you hear about? What if someone you admire or love (whether at work or in your life) dies and you never had the chance to tell them or you never had the courage to tell them – I love you, I admire you. I’ve heard it so many times – over and over again – I needed to have tried harder – I should have tried harder. Do you really try harder with the people you work with, you live with, you interact with on many different levels in your life or do you just say you do? Relationships take hard work. Live those relationships like you were dying.

To live like you were dying exactly what does that mean? And are you doing this? Are you passionate about your work, your career? If you are, that’s great! Are you also passionate about your relationships? About your health, your physical well-being, your friendships, emotions about every aspect of your life?
Finally . . . the physical aspect of whom you are. Your body is a sacred temple and when you destroy it or let others destroy it, it destroys your self-worth. Therefore, be of good cheer and no matter who says what or who does what against you, remember . . . they are missing an opportunity to be friends with a positive, energetic, wonder . . . YOU. Don’t stoop to their level of weakness. Rise above them and excel. Make them admire you and respect you for what you are doing.

Life is about love, life is about relationships and you need to live your life as if you were dying.  

What is love – self-revelation – acceptance – choice. We choose to love.